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Web Design & Development

Stunning Websites That Support Your Business Goals

This is where it all started. Based out of our design studio in Lincolnshire, website development has always been our bread and butter. We may have broadened our digital marketing service offering to keep ourselves way ahead of the competition but creative website design is at the heart of what we do.

We care so passionately about creating unique websites that not only look the part, but are fully functional with a host of engaging features to entice your website visitors to engage, enquire or purchase, not just browse. Shouldn’t website engagement always be the mission?

Taking Your Ideas & Turning Them Into Reality

Knowing where to even begin when tackling a new website can be very daunting. Whether your looking for a refresh of your existing website or starting from scratch, our team are here to take your vision and support you every step of the way through to launch and beyond.

What Are You Looking For?

Tell Customers About Your Business

We Call These Brochure Websites

Web design grimsby

We encourage you to really think about what you want from your website. After all, professional website development is labour intensive and therefore doesn’t come at the same price as cup of coffee.

Brochure websites certainly have their place, and we’ve delivered some fantastic examples. However our logic is that your website should pro-actively work for you, bringing in those leads that help smash targets.

Now You're Talking Our Language

Website Design That Converts

Mobile web design grimsby

Once a customer lands on your website, it’s go-time! Whilst keeping it subtle, our goal is deliver the customer the information they need as quickly as possible and then guide them to interact via contact form, livechat, or just an old fashioned phone call.

We help customers get this right, and focus on meaningful engagement with user experience always main priority. Supplemented by our digital marketing services that your website reach the appropriate audience.

Want To Start Selling Online?

You Need An E-Commerce Platform

Ecommerce website design and development grimsby

E-Commerce websites are the big guns of the online world. Naturally with the way things are going they are becoming more and more popular. You may find the idea very daunting and not know where to begin. What’s a payment gateway? What’s an SSL certificate? We’ve got you.

We already handle sites taking millions in online revenue, so if you’re at that stage you can have confidence our team is geared up to handle your online store. For those sites that are smaller, we hope it goes without saying that we can certainly help you with your sales online.

Why Should You Choose Us?


Mobile Responsive Design

We were waaay ahead of the curve and for the past 5+ years have designed all our customer websites to be mobile responsive as standard. Now that Google uses the fluidity of your website across various devices as a factor for rankings, this has never been more important.

Scalable In Size & Functionality

All websites that we build are scalable from 1 page, to 5 pages, to 100+. Our websites can grow with ease as your business needs. The same applies for functionality too. Didn't see the value in a blog, contact form or live chat when the site was developed but now changed your mind? It's never too late.

Built On A Platform You Can Trust

We chose not to dabble in the entire plethora of website platforms that are available, instead we dedicated ourselves to becoming experts in the industry leading content management system, WordPress.




Complete Digital Marketing Service

You could have the most beautifully designed website in the world but without actively marketing your site, no one is going to see it. We can support you beyond the development stage, helping your site rank in Google via SEO or Google Ads, or driving traffic through social media engagement etc.

Set Live & Forget Mentality

This is not us, not by a long shot. We see many competitor customer website not working or even hacked and 9 times out of 10 its usually down to the set live and forget about it mentality. Whilst there is far more profit in building new websites than maintaining existing ones, each and every one of our customers is on a care plan to keep you site safe and secure online.

We're Here To Stay

New web design companies come and go all the time. Whilst Align has existed as an entity around 5 years, our parent organisation has been a dominant tech force in the region for a quarter of a century. We only plan on growth, and you website is safe with us.

There Is Much More Where That Came From

Let’s See Some Real Customer Results

A pretty website is one thing but a website that delivers consistent positive results is much more difficult to achieve. Let’s take a look at some numbers using customer websites that we’ve built in the past few years. You must appreciate that it is not fair that we name these customers when talking about their site stats and revenue, so they will remain anonymous.




A customer who approached us with an innovative twist on a traditional product needed a launch-pad for their online sales. After creating the customer an intuitive and innovative ecommerce website, loading it up with their 200+ products, we used Facebook, Instagram and Google Ads to scale their business from £0 online sales to £200,000 /year within the first 2 years.

The success of this site was largely down to the customers willingness for innovation. We helped them integrate live chat, monthly subscription products, a specific delivery time / date calendar and much more. This attention to the consumers need for convenience put their business well ahead of the competition.




This long-standing customer had previously turned down the offer of Google Ads on numerous occasions, but we saw a huge gap in their industry which they needed to capitalise on and finally we convinced them to give it a try.

The first few months saw great success but on the sixth month, as a direct result of our ads, they went on to secure a seven figure company transforming project. Even if we ignored the other 250+ legitimate enquiries the campaign had already brought them in that time-frame, this still results in a 3200% return on investment from this lead alone. Better yet, that deal had the opportunity to develop into a recurring contractual income for our customer and whilst they smashed it out the park and secured that, we haven’t included it in our ROI stat!




Another ecommerce success story. After taking on-board the website design, development and ongoing management for one of the regions oldest companies, we set to work on improving their online sales performance.

Within months their online sales performance has exploded and to-date their sales have increased 1566.67%. Without mentioning figures to protect the customers confidentiality, that means for every £10 they made before us, the site was now makeing £165. Naturally, this customer now invests in a full spectrum of marketing services from us, SEO, social, email marketing, content creation etc. to continue that growth. When you see their eyewatering online sales figures, it’s no surprise.

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Still Got Questions? Let’s Clear Them Up

I'm a little out of my depth, where do I start?

If you need a website but you don’t know where to start, it can be very easy to suffer a little ‘ostrich syndrome’ and shy away from the idea. No matter your level of understanding or competency, we can guide you the whole way or if you prefer, we can manage the ideas and creation in its entirety. The only way to start is by speaking to us.

I'm losing faith in my existing provider. Is it hard to move?

Unless a business is brand new, it’s rare that they have never had at least some website presence in the past. This means that taking a customer on from a previous web design agency is something we do more often than anything else in our business. Some web agencies are very professional in the event of a client choosing to move, whereas some bad-eggs can be a bit salty. Ultimately, if you’re website is bought and paid for, and there are no clauses in your agreement with them, then the website company should have no qualms helping you move to a new provider. There is always a solution, so if you are choosing not to enquire because you’re worried about how you’re existing provider may react, speak to us and we will help you understand and overcome any concerns.

Do I need an entirely new website to come with you or can I bring my old one?

This one really depends on your current site. First thing to note is that we work exclusively with websites on the WordPress platform. Partly because we’re very good at it but also because it is the most widely used website content management system (CMS) in existence, and by a long way too. This means WordPress is naturally well-documented and has a huge community of developers making it a platform entirely flexible to suit almost any need.

With this in mind, if your site is on a different CMS then we would not take it on board as is. Don’t worry though, there may be the option for us to transfer it over to a WordPress site for an affordable and subsidised cost!

If your site is already WordPress, then chances are we can take it on board. There are few exceptions to the rule, for example if the site is excessively old, poorly made, or in some worst case scenarios we have seen sites filled with malware (we wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole).

If you’re unsure which platform your existing site is built upon, either get in touch with us or type your website URL into a free online tool such as

My last web provider told me my current site would be great and it doesn't get any leads or traffic. How do I know you're any different?

We refer back to the huge industry secret mentioned above. The one that all website design agencies know yet hardly any want to address – a website that is not professionally marketed after it is set live WILL NOT PERFORM. It is the equivalent of opening up a store in the middle of the desert and not telling anyone – you’ll never get found.

Actively marketing your website does not have to cost you a penny, and good results can be achieved without an agency like ours through effective email marketing, blogging, and social media management. Sure, we offer those services along with many others, but if you really wanted to you could tackle them yourself. The point we are making is that if you are not prepared to invest time or money into the site in order to generate a steady flow of traffic, then nobody is ever going to land on your site and you may as well not have one.

What should I budget realistically?

Professional website design and development is certainly up there when it comes to cost simply down to the sheer amount of hours that agencies like ours put into each and every website build. The way we see it, it’s all about making a return on your investment and having your website work for you.

With so many millions pumped into their TV marketing campaigns, you may be considering the ‘self-build website’ options via Wix or GoDaddy, but if you take nothing else away from reading this we implore you not to go down this route for your own sanity. A cheap DIY website will never truly perform for your business and you will never prosper.

Dependent on your needs, our websites typically range anywhere from £1,000 to £10,000, but can be more or less dependent on the individual client and their needs. We’re very upfront about our costs and it costs you nothing to get a quote, with absolutely no obligation to proceed so it’s worth the conversation. If nothing else this could be used as a benchmark to ensure you’re getting a good value proposition from another web agency in Grimsby or further afield.

Are there ongoing costs once the website is up and running?

If you’ve had a website quote and there is no mention of ongoing costs you need to be concerned for a few reasons. Compare it to buying a brand new Mercedes from the local dealership and expecting a life-long service package, with free tyres every 10,000 miles, all included within the initial cost. Whilst it’s nice to dream, it is unrealistic and Mercedes would soon run into financial trouble. Now consider that tech moves a lot faster than the automotive industry, so we perform a ‘service’ on your site every-single-month.

To look after a website that’s complex like a WordPress site, with a variety of the core software itself, the theme and any plugins which all need regular maintenance and management, you need time, effort and expertise. Those three things are not free, not to a healthy and functional business anyway, yet they are absolutely essential! If you are not paying for this as an ongoing service, chances are your site is being neglected and left to become outdated. This is a huge security risk.

Next we have the actual cost to host the site itself. All agencies, whether they have their own server farm in-house or if they ‘rent’ this service from another supplier. No matter which route, it is a cost that we incur, so naturally this is passed down to the customer.

In short, any business willing to host and manage your website free of charge is their doing so at a loss which is bad business and will never last, or they not fulfilling their obligation to keep your site healthy.

A long answer to a short question but to summarise, yes there are ongoing hosting and maintenance costs alongside costs for the build itself. If you would like to find out more please get in touch and the costs will be discussed with you up front.

If I wanted to, can I edit my own website?

As part of every web project we undertake, a free training session on how to use and edit your website content is provided upon launch of the site. Once we’re happy that you’re comfortable enough to be making the changes alone, we will provide you with editor access so that you can make your own amends independently of us should you wish. You’re never alone though, of course we are always on the other end of the phone should you need advice.

How long will my website take to build?

We’re always working on new things, so how soon we can begin with your new project depends largely on what work we have in the pipeline. Once you’ve given the go ahead to begin your project, typical turnarounds can range from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending largely on the scale of the project but more often than not, this time is mostly impacted by the client (how quickly you can respond, provide information, sign off ideas etc). With this in mind, if you need your new site live for next month, that’s more than possible and our team are willing to work day, night and weekends to get it there – but we need you to show just as much commitment.

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